Posts tagged: time

I Don’t Have Time to Follow My Passions!

“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.”      — H. Jackson Brown, author

Ask Yourself…

  • Is this really a passion or just something that might be fun or nice to do?
  • Will you be extremely upset if you NEVER get to do “this passion”? If the answer is yes, what’s stopping you from finding the time to at least take the next step?
  • What is the benefit of choosing in favor of your passions?
  • How will you feel when you are doing something that you’re really passionate about?

Take Action …

  • Understand that it’s YOUR choice as to how you spend your time.
  • Be more conscious of how you are choosing to spend your time today.
  • Spend less time on those things that you aren’t passionate about.

It’s not always easy to choose between mundane tasks and those things that “light your fire” but with practice, it can become a habit.  When you’re fully engaged in doing a task that is truly important to you, time will appear to stand still and you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish.  As an added benefit, you’ll reduce your stress level!

If you still don’t know what you’re passionate about, contact me, evelin(at), so that I can take you through The Passion Test.

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